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Opt-In to additional features#

In the Program.Main, we configured the app with the basic feature set.

new AppRunner<Program>()
snippet source | anchor

UseDefaultMiddleware to take advantage of many more additional features, such as debug directive, parse directive, time directive, ctrl+c support, response files, and typo suggestions

see Default Middleware for more details and options for using default middleware.

Next Steps#

You get the gist of this library now. This may be all you need to start your app. If not, we've only touched on a small number of our features. Check out our documentation for more...

  • Commands defining commands, subcommands and arguments.

  • Arguments defining arguments.

  • Argument Values providing values to arguments.

  • Help options to modify help and other help features.

  • Diagnostics a rich set of tools to simplify troubleshooting

  • Other Features additional features available.

  • Extensibility if the framework is missing a feature you need, you can likely add it yourself. For questions, ping us on our Discord channel or create a GitHub Issue

  • Test Tools a test package to test console output with this framework. These tools enable you to provide end-to-end testing with the same experience as the console as well as testing middleware and other extensibility components. This package is used to test all of the CommandDotNet features.