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The TestConfig is used to configure logging output during a test run and AppInfo used in assertions.

The TestConfig.Default will log to the console buffer, both Out and Error, on error.

Set TestConfig.Default to provide a different default. If you're using a test framework that doesn't provide for a way to set the default before tests are run, looking at you XUnit, then implement an IDefaultTestConfig as shown below


Use TestConfig.AppInfoOverride to generate a consistent app name for test assertions, regardless of the test runner.

The AppName is often

When running tests using dotnet test, the app name will be Usage: dotnet testhost.dll... When running tests using Resharper, the app name will be Usage: ReSharperTestRunner64.exe...

You may want it to be the appname that will appear when the user runs the tests, in

The TestConfig class#

public class TestConfig
        /// <summary>
        /// Default scans loaded assemblies for <see cref="IDefaultTestConfig"/>
        /// and stores the config with the lowest <see cref="Priority"/>
        /// </summary>
        public static TestConfig Default
            get => defaultTestConfig ??= TestConfigFactory.GetDefaultFromSubClass() ?? new TestConfig{Source = "TestConfig.Default"};
            set => defaultTestConfig = value ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(value));

        /// <summary>Nothing will be printed and errors will be captured</summary>
        public static TestConfig Silent { get; set; } = new TestConfig
            OnSuccess = new OnSuccessConfig(), 
            OnError = new OnErrorConfig(),
            Source = "TestConfig.Silent"

        /// <summary>
        /// Configuration to be used when no exception has escaped <see cref="AppRunner.Run"/><br/>
        /// Default: prints nothing
        /// </summary>
        public OnSuccessConfig OnSuccess { get; set; } = new OnSuccessConfig();

        /// <summary>
        /// Configuration to be used when no exception has escaped <see cref="AppRunner.Run"/><br/>
        /// Default: prints <see cref="PrintConfig.ConsoleOutput"/>
        /// </summary>
        public OnErrorConfig OnError { get; set; } = new OnErrorConfig
            Print = { ConsoleOutput = true }

        /// <summary>When true, CommandDotNet logs will output to logLine</summary>
        public bool PrintCommandDotNetLogs { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// To identify the <see cref="TestConfig"/> in case the expected config was not used.<br/>
        /// Will be auto-populated when created from <seealso cref="IDefaultTestConfig"/>
        /// </summary>
        public string? Source { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// When multiple <see cref="IDefaultTestConfig"/>s are found,
        /// the <see cref="TestConfig"/> with the lowest priority will be used.<br/>
        /// This property is only needed when providing the default via <see cref="IDefaultTestConfig"/><br/>
        /// Set <see cref="Default"/> directly to avoid use of this property.<br/>
        /// Create and .gitignore a <see cref="IDefaultTestConfig"/> with short.MinValue
        /// for verbose local logging and quite CI logging.<br/>
        /// </summary>
        public short? Priority { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Used to override the <see cref="AppInfo"/> used by tests.
        /// This will ensure consistent results when verifying the Usage
        /// section of the output.
        /// </summary>
        public AppInfo? AppInfoOverride { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a clone of the TestConfig after applying 
    /// the <see cref="alter"/> action
    /// </summary>
    public TestConfig Where(Action<TestConfig> alter){}

    public class OnSuccessConfig
        public PrintConfig Print { get; set; }

    public class OnErrorConfig
        /// <summary>
        /// When true, errors escaping <see cref="AppRunner.Run"/> will be
        /// captured in <see cref="AppRunnerResult"/> and 
        /// <see cref="AppRunnerResult.ExitCode"/> will be set to 1. 
        /// This mimics how the shell will process it.
        /// </summary>
        public bool CaptureAndReturnResult { get; set; }
        public PrintConfig Print { get; set; }

    public class PrintConfig
        /// <summary>When true, all options will be printed</summary>
        public bool All
            get => AppConfig && CommandContext 
                    && ConsoleOutput && ParseReport;
            set => AppConfig = CommandContext 
                    = ConsoleOutput = ParseReport = value;

        /// <summary>Print the <see cref="AppConfig"/></summary>
        public bool AppConfig { get; set; }

        /// <summary>Print the <see cref="CommandContext"/></summary>
        public bool CommandContext { get; set; }

        /// <summary>Print the <see cref="TestConsole.AllText"/></summary>
        public bool ConsoleOutput { get; set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Print the output of <see cref="ParseReporter.Report"/> 
        /// to see how values are assigned to arguments
        /// </summary>
        public bool ParseReport { get; set; }


Implement an IDefaultTestConfig when you need the config to be auto-discovered.

TestConfig.Default will lazy load a default if one is not provided. The lazy load will scan all loaded assemblies for implementations of IDefaultTestConfig. The resulting TestConfigs will be loaded and the one with the lowest priority will be selected.

/// <summary>Implement this to provide a TestConfig for tests</summary>
public interface IDefaultTestConfig
    /// <summary>The TestConfig to use as a default</summary>
    TestConfig Default { get; }

This supports the scenario where a dev keeps a DevDefaultTestConfig in the local directory to log All on an error and ConsoleOutput on success. The file can be added to .gitignore, just like an appSettings.env.local file. This is possible with the new project files that only require the file to be present.

public class DevDefaultTestConfig : IDefaultTestConfig
    public TestConfig Default => new TestConfig
        Priority = short.MinValue,
        PrintCommandDotNetLogs = true,
        OnSuccess = {Print = {ConsoleOutput = true}},
        OnError = {Print = {All = true}}

This approach was chosen because it was simple to implement, required no additional json parsing libraries and works well with the maintainers work flow. If you need json support, start with this config and the serializer of your choice. We may add another package with this eventually.

public class JsonDefaultTestConfig : IDefaultTestConfig
    const string JsonFile = "CommandDotNet.TestConfig.json";
    public TestConfig Default 
            if (File.Exists(JsonFile))
                var json = File.ReadAllText(JsonFile);
                var testConfig = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<TestConfig>(json);
                testConfig.Source = Path.GetFullPath(JsonFile);
                if (!testConfig.Priority.HasValue)
                    testConfig.Priority = 0;
                return testConfig;

            return null;

Example of all output#

Here is an example of what you'll see when PrintCommandDotNetLogs=true and On___.Print.All=true.

ConsoleOutput and ParseReport will the most useful in regular scenarios.

The CommandContext and AppConfig sections are likely more helpful when debugging middleware or other extensibility points or failures following an update of the framework.

I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > begin: invoke middleware: <CaptureState>b__1 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > begin: invoke middleware: TokenizeInputMiddleware 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > begin: invoke middleware: CreateRootCommand 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > begin: invoke middleware: ParseInputMiddleware 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > begin: invoke middleware: AssembleInvocationPipelineMiddleware 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > begin: invoke middleware: CheckIfShouldShowHelp 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > begin: invoke middleware: BindValues 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > begin: invoke middleware: ResolveCommandClassInstances 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > begin: invoke middleware: Middleware 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > begin: invoke middleware: InjectTestCaptures 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > begin: invoke middleware: InvokeInvocationPipelineMiddleware 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > end: invoke middleware: InvokeInvocationPipelineMiddleware 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > end: invoke middleware: InjectTestCaptures 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > end: invoke middleware: Middleware 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > end: invoke middleware: ResolveCommandClassInstances 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > end: invoke middleware: BindValues 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > end: invoke middleware: CheckIfShouldShowHelp 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > end: invoke middleware: AssembleInvocationPipelineMiddleware 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > end: invoke middleware: ParseInputMiddleware 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > end: invoke middleware: CreateRootCommand 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > end: invoke middleware: TokenizeInputMiddleware 
I CommandDotNet.Execution.ExecutionMiddlewareExtensions > end: invoke middleware: <CaptureState>b__1 

Console output <begin> ------------------------------
<no output>
Console output <end> ------------------------------

  RootCommand:Command Command:App  (CommandDotNet.Tests.CommandDotNet.FluentValidation.ModelValidationTests+App)
  Original.Args:Save 1 john
  Tokens:Save 1 john
    TargetCommand:Command Command:Save  (CommandDotNet.Tests.CommandDotNet.FluentValidation.ModelValidationTests+App.Save)

Parse report <begin> ------------------------------
command: Save


  Id <Number>
    value: 1
    inputs: 1

  Name <Text>
    value: john
    inputs: john

  Email <Text>
Parse report <end> ------------------------------

      ArgumentTypeDescriptors: ArgumentTypeDescriptors:
        ErrorReportingDescriptor > CommandDotNet.TypeDescriptors.BoolTypeDescriptor
        ErrorReportingDescriptor > CommandDotNet.TypeDescriptors.EnumTypeDescriptor
        ErrorReportingDescriptor > DelegatedTypeDescriptor<String>: 'Text'
        ErrorReportingDescriptor > DelegatedTypeDescriptor<Password>: 'Text'
        ErrorReportingDescriptor > DelegatedTypeDescriptor<Char>: 'Character'
        ErrorReportingDescriptor > DelegatedTypeDescriptor<Int64>: 'Number'
        ErrorReportingDescriptor > DelegatedTypeDescriptor<Int32>: 'Number'
        ErrorReportingDescriptor > DelegatedTypeDescriptor<Int16>: 'Number'
        ErrorReportingDescriptor > DelegatedTypeDescriptor<Decimal>: 'Decimal'
        ErrorReportingDescriptor > DelegatedTypeDescriptor<Double>: 'Double'
        ErrorReportingDescriptor > CommandDotNet.TypeDescriptors.ComponentModelTypeDescriptor
        ErrorReportingDescriptor > CommandDotNet.TypeDescriptors.StringCtorTypeDescriptor
      BooleanMode: Implicit
      DefaultArgumentMode: Operand
      DefaultArgumentSeparatorStrategy: PassThru
      DisableDirectives: False
      Help: AppHelpSettings:
        ExpandArgumentsInUsage: False
        PrintHelpOption: False
        TextStyle: Detailed
        UsageAppNameStyle: Adaptive
      IgnoreUnexpectedOperands: False
    DependencyResolver: CommandDotNet.TestTools.TestDependencyResolver
    HelpProvider: CommandDotNet.Help.HelpTextProvider