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  • move to centralized package management
  • update nuget packages, except for 3rd party integrations without major updates.
  • remove obsolete ref to Microsoft.CSharp. Thanks to @mur-dock for reporting this.
  • fix typos in getting started docs. Thanks to @AldeRoberge for reporting these.

Bug fixes#

  • #494 Version command fails when no build info is present. Thanks to @diredev for reporting this.


support dotnet 8

Bug fixes#

  • #488 fix async support for OnRunCompleted and the [culture] directive. They did not property await async command methods. Thanks to @Sibusten for reporting this.


support dotnet 7

Localization enhancements#

  • add optional ResourceProxy to AppRunner constructor.
  • ResourceProxy with memberNameAsKey to better support resx files.
  • added AppSettings.Localization with memberNameAsKey option.
  • deprecate AppSettings.Localize for AppSettings.Localization

Name casing#

  • Name casing now supports snake_case for command and argument names
  • The CaseChanger service has been added to enable middleware and commands to use the configured case, as displayed in this test

Bug fixes#

  • #464 parameter resolver for IEnvironment was assigned an IConsole


  • update to dotnet 6
  • able to assume NRTs are enabled by default
  • use NotNullWhen(true) on IDependencyResolver.TryResolve to inform compiler the value is null when the method returns false.
  • also for TryGetDirective middleware extension method

Remove previously obsoleted code#

  • setter for CommandAttribute.Name, Operand.Name, OptionAttribute.ShortName and OptionAttribute.LongName.


Public methods from base classes can be commands. Set AppSettings.Commands.InheritCommandsFromBaseClasses = true to include public methods from base classes. Methods from System.Object and IDisposable are not included.


Changed default pipe target from $* to ^. The $ wasn't working well from bash prompts.



  • CommandLogger no longer prints Machine and User info by default. They can be enabled via UseCommandLogger(includeMachineAndUser: true)
  • Change type display name for doubles and floats to Decimal. Size does not matter, just as it didn't with Number. This gives us two numeric descriptions: Number and Decimal.

Bug fixes#

  • Fixed bug where version option did not work when the program was published as a single executable file


Fix bug in arity validation where validation was skipped non-nullable value types with default values on argument models


Add message "Required command was not provided" when non-executable command was submitted without a help option like --help


Back with some more goodness. This fix focuses on improvements for developers and some features to support advanced use cases.


Terser definition of command and argument names#

We've simplified how you can define short names and override long names.

Until now, it worked like [Option(ShortName="f", LongName="file")], [Operand(Name = "file")], and [Command(Name = "move")]

Now available: [Option('f', "file")], [Operand("file")], and [Command("move")]

[SubCommand] has also been deprecated and replaced by [Subcommand]

The old patterns have been deprecated but is still supported for this version.

You can run this script in git bash in the folder containing your commmand definitions to update usages for these attributes. It assumes:

  • The names are on the same line as the attribute
  • The names are the first properties specified after the attribute

Arity Validation#

Now that we have support for NRTs we can determine if an argument is required or not based on whether it's an NRT, Nullable or optional parameter.

If it is required and no value is provided via configs or the cli, the command will fail. Since this is a breaking change in behavior, it can be disabled by setting AppSettings.Arguments.SkipArityValidation = true.

Localizable Descriptions, Usage & ExtendedHelpText#

If you've set the AppSettings.Localize func, the HelpTextProvider will pass Usage, ExtendedHelpText, and Description (for commands and arguments) through the func.

IConsole moved#

IConsole has been moved to the root CommandDotNet namespace. While tis is a breaking change, most files where you're using IConsole probably already reference CommandDotNet which means you're likely to have unused usings than build failures.

Error handling#

The CommandDotNet exceptions have been consolidated into two types

  • Dev errors (InvalidConfigurationException)
  • User errors (ValueParsingException)

These errors are intercepted and displayed to the user before the registered error handler is called. This ensures your error handler can focus on exceptions from your app. We've also ensured stack traces will not be shown for these exceptions

Bug Fixes#

  • fixed bug where streaming into an IEnumerable where T is not a string would crash

Bug Fixes#

  • fixed bug where streaming into an IEnumerable where T is not a string would crash

New Features#


Added IEnvironment for testability. Covers most of System.Environment

IEnvironment can be injected into command methods. eg Move(IConsole console, IEnvironment env, string file)

Piped Input targeting#

Piped input can now target any argument. By default, piped input will be unioned into inputs for any type of IEnumerable Operand if it exists.

Using $* as a value for an argument will union the piped input to that argument instead. i.e. find ... | move --files $* ~/tmp/ will move the files into the users tmp directory.

$* can be overridden using AppSettings.Arguments.DefaultPipeTargetSymbol. It can also be overridden using the [pipeto:...] directive to avoid conflicts in scripts.

Splitting multi-value options#

To provide multiple values for an option, you've had to repeat the option name each time, eg. --name jack --name jill

Now you can define a separator character to use to split a string. [Optiom(Split=",")] and then --name=jack,jill

A global default can be set using AppSettings.Arguments.DefaultOptionSplit

The user can also override by using the [split:-] directive for --name=jack-jill.

Subcommand rename#

One of the non-obvious but powerful features of CommandDotNet is that a command can be reused as a subcommand for several commands. It's likely the desired to reuse the same name for consistency, but there could be exceptions.

The subcommand attribute now contains a RenameAs property. When used, the command will use that name instead of the name defined in the CommandAttribute or derived from the class name.


Added to new extensions for enumerable to make it easier to exit commands when Ctrl+C is pressed.

  • items.UntilCancelled(cancellationToken)
  • items.ThrowIfCancelled(cancellationToken)


remove nuget package refs no longer required after move to net5.0




CommandDotNet now supports Nullable reference types (NRT) when calculating Arity. Arityfor.Minimum will be 0 for NRTs.

target net5.0#

CommandDotNet targets net5.0 instead of netstandard2.0. This will allow us to take advantage of new framework features. We're holding off on net6.0 at the moment because it's new enough many companies will not be able to adopt it yet. We are eager to take advantage of Source Generators though so we will likely also target net6.0 in early 2022.

Windows and Powershell conventions#

Added support for Windows and Powershell conventions when using options

  • backslash /help and /h for windows conventions
  • single hypen -help for long names for powershell conventions

These are not enabled by default. Enable by setting AppSettings.Parser.AllowBackslashOptionPrefix and/or AppSettings.Parser.AllowSingleHyphenForLongNames = true.

Support negative numbers as arguments#

Previously, negative numbers were only support when proceeded by : or =, eg --amount=-15 which meant they could only be used with options. CommandDotNet now supports --amount -15 or -15 as an operand.


Overhaul of IConsole, now covering most the System.Console members. Converted In, Out and Error to TextReader and TextWriter to match System.Console. This includes updates to the TestConsole and AnsiTestConsole for the Spectre integration.

Overhaul of IConsole, now covering most the System.Console members. Converted In, Out and Error to TextReader and TextWriter to match System.Console. This includes updates to the TestConsole and AnsiTestConsole for the Spectre integration.

Breaking Changes in behavior#

NRT support#

The behavior for calculating Arity and prompting on missing arguments changes as these arguments were not previously considered nullable and so the Arity has changed to expect a minimum of 0 instead of 1

Using the UseArgumentPrompter will now work as expected when using NRTs. They will no longer prompt the user.

ArgumentArity.AllowsNone() change#

This has been a confusing method. It currently evaluates as arity.Maximum == 0 but it intuitively it makes more sense as arity.Minimum == 0.

ArgumentArity.AllowsNone() has been changed to arity.Minimum == 0

ArgumentArity.RequiresNone() has been added for arity.Maximum == 0.

Breaking Changes in API#

For application developers#

Obsoleted cleanup#
  • removed DefaultMethodAttribute. Use DefaultCommandAttribute instead.
  • removed appRunner.UsePrompting(...) extension method. Use .UseIPrompter and .UseArgumentPrompter instead.
  • removed BooleanMode.Unknown. Use either Implicit, Explicit, or BooleanMode? instead.
Localizable Resources#

Several updates to localizeable Resources. Changed a few member names for clarity and anded a several new members.

  • Added AppSettings.Parser
  • Moved IgnoreUexpectedOperands to AppSettings.Parser.IgnoreUnexpectedOperands

For middleware developers#

IArgument updates#
  • added BooleanMode properties to help determine the Arity for an argument.
  • BooleanMode will only be set for boolean arguments
IConsole updates#
  • added numerous members to bring closer to parity with System.Console
  • removed StandardStreamReader and StandardStreamWriter
  • added ForwardingTextWriter to support integrations where text forwards to another console utility, such as Spectre's AnsiConsole
  • SystemConsole and TestConsole can be inherited for simpler adaptation resiliant to breakimg changes in IConsole if new members are added

Now takes AppSettings to support / and - option prefixes.

TokenType.Option removed#

To support negative numbers and prefixing options with / and -, we needed more context from the command definition so determining if a token is an option or value has been moved to the command parser. Token transformation no longer distinguishes options vs values.

  • TokenType.Option and TokenType.Value have merged into TokenType.Argument
  • OptionTokenType and Token.OptionTokenType have been removed
  • Clubbed options are no longer split during token transformation
  • Option assignments are no longer separated during token transformation
  • Tokenizer.TryTokenizeOption has been removed
IInvocation updates#

added IsInterceptor property to distinguish between command and interceptor invocations

Obsoleted cleanup#
  • removed ArgumentArity.Default(Type, ...). Use ArgumentArity.Default(IArgument) instead. This is a reversal of previous direction, but the addition of IArgument.BooleanMode makes this reliable.
  • removed FindOption(string alias). Use Find<Option>(string alias) instead.
  • removed command.GetIgnoreUnexpectedOperands(AppSettings). Use command.IgnoreUnexpectedOperands as it now defaults from AppSettings.
  • removed command.GetArgumentSeparatorStrategy(AppSettings). Use command.ArgumentSeparatorStrategy as it now defaults from AppSettings.
  • removed Option.ShowInHelp. Use Option.Hidden instead. There were cases where this had meaning outside of generating help.


  • add [Named] and [Positional] attributes which can be used in place of [Option] and [Operand] respectively.
  • fixed bug in argument prompting where optional operands were being prompted
  • include release notes link in nuget package


  • Prompting
    • remove exludePrompting from UseDefaultMiddleware configuration extension
    • obsoleted UsePrompting, breaking it into two methods: UsePrompter and UseArgumentPrompter
    • argumentFilter must now include arity check and if argument has value. See example in [../ArgumentValues/]
  • Added IArgument extensions to simplify creating argument filters: HasValueFromInput, HasValueFromDefault, & HasValueFromInputOrDefault
  • obsoleted DefaultMethodAttribute in favor of DefaultCommandAttribute to be consistent with naming in the rest of the framework
  • When converting from string, types with string ctor or static Parse methods can now contain additional optional parameters as long as there is a single required parameter of type string.
  • For middleware developers, CommandContext.Services will now find fallback to AppConfig.Services.


  • Finished localizing strings that would appear for user in normal settings. What remains are configuration exceptions that should be discovered during the development phase. There are no plans to localize these, but we accept PRs if it's critical for you.
  • resx and json translations files can be found in the localization_files folder.


  • Added the Culture directive for testing
  • Removed Resources.Error_Type_is_not_supported_as_argument(type.FullName)). It's should only be seen by developers during testing.


  • Added beta support for Localization.
  • Added the Time directive
  • Fixed bug where NonSerializableWrapper used to capture date in Exception.Data was not correctly outputting it's contents when printing exceptions.


Fix bug where calling a command using option syntax threw an exception.

Now it will suggest the correct syntax to the user.

4.1.9-4.1.12 were skipped while converting our build system over to GitHub Actions


Expose DefaultSources.GetValueFunc for host apps to reuse logic for alternate configuration sources.

See the new .Net Core Config section for an example.


AppInfo.ToString will print out all properties making it easier to gather info for diagnostics.

Expose object.ToStringFromPublicProperties to make it easier to output other classes for diagnostics.


Add AppInfo.SetResolver to enable overriding for tests to get a consistent AppName. See Deterministic AppName for tests for details.


Fixes bug #331 on .Net Framework when capturing CommandContext in Exception.Data. In .Net Framework, items added to Data must be Thanks to @arendvw for reporting this.


Fixes bug #326 where password from default values could be displayed in plain text in help. Thanks to @giuliov for reporting this.


Fixes a bug where the TypoSuggest middleware threw an exception when an argument value was an empty string. Thanks to @taori for reporting this.


Fixes a bug where values were not assigned to options added via the builder.


Fixes a bug where a negative number can treated as a short name. eg. add -5 10 would have resulted in -5 being parsed as an option.

Add restriction that short names can only be letters. If an arg can be parsed as a negative number, it will not be confused with a short name.


unrequested help returns 1 instead of 0#

When help is shown because a given command is not executable, an error code of 1 is returned to indicate a command was not successfully run.

new types supported for arguments#

In addition to types with a TypeConverter or Ctor with a single string parameter. any type with a public static Parse method with a single string parameter are now eligible as types for arguments.


  • AppRunnerException will not be passed to the error handler. Previously they were always printed to the console.


  • ArgumentArity.Default(IArgument) for the other ArgumentArity.Default method. It was inadequate in some cases and could lead to bugs.
  • BooleanMode.Unknown in favor of BooleanMode?.
  • AppInfo.GetAppinfo(CommandContext) in favor of AppInfo.GetAppInfo(). The former exists to support CommandDotNet tests.
  • Command.GetIgnoreUnexpectedOperands(AppSettings) & Command.GetArgumentSeparatorStrategy(AppSettings) in favor of the properties on the command which reflect AppSettings defaults.


Make FlattenedArgumentModels via the IInvocation. This makes it easier to access all argument models for an invocation, including those defined as properties of other models. It also prevents additional reflection calls to walk a hierarchy. The work was already done and now it's shared.


Add PropertyInfo or ParameterInfo to IArgument.Services. This makes it possible for middleware to access them from a command and to determine if an argument is from a parameter or property.


Nullable Reference Types#

The library has been updated to support Nullable Reference Types

Default behavior changes#

Version 4 is removing obsolete members and changing default behaviors made possible since the v3 was introduced.

  • default AppSettings.Help.ExpandArgumentsInUsage to true.
    • arguments are expanded in the usage section of help.
      • old: add [options] [arguments]
      • new: add [options] <x> <y>
  • default AppSettings.Parser.DefaultArgumentSeparatorStrategy to EndOfOptions. See Argument Separator for details.
    • Help will append [[--] <arg>...] to the usage example when DefaultArgumentSeparatorStrategy=PassThru
  • make AppSettings.LongNameAlwaysDefaultsToSymbolName the only behavior and remove the setting. LongName can be removed with [Option(LongName=null)].
    • Look for places in your apps where [Option(ShortName="a")] with setting a LongName. If you don't want a LongName then add LongName=null otherwise the long name will default from the parameter or property name.
  • make AppSettings.GuaranteeOperandOrderInArgumentModels the only behavior and remove the setting.
  • enable CommandLogger in .UseDefaultMiddleware() as cmdlog directive. This can be useful for diagnostics.
  • Command.FindOption will throw an exception if the alias is for an operand or subcommand instead of an option. Previously it would return null.


  • The type MiddlewareSteps declares most of the framework defined middleware to make it easier to inject your custom middleware in the desired order.


  • When registering middleware, the OrderInStage parameter has been changed from int to short.


  • CommandDotNet.Directives.Parse.ParseReporter - moved to CommandDotNet.Diagnostics.Parse.ParseReporter
  • CommandDotNet.Directives.Debugger - moved to CommandDotNet.Diagnostics.Debugger
  • AppConfig.CancellationToken - moved to CommandDotNet.CancellationToken. This enables running nested commands within an interactive session. See Ctrl+C and CancellationToken for more details.

Removed or Replaced#

  • AppSettings
    • MethodArgumentMode - replaced by DefaultArgumentMode
    • ThrowOnUnexpectedArgument - replaced by IgnoreUnexpectedArguments
    • AllowArgumentSeparator - was never used for functionality, only to show -- in help.
    • HelpTextStyle - replaced by Help.TextStyle
    • Help
      • GlobalTool - replaced by UsageAppName
  • VersionInfo - replaced by AppInfo
  • ApplicationMetadataAttribute - replaced by CommandAttribute
  • ArgumentAttribute - replaced by OperandAttribute
  • ArgumentMode.Parameter - replaced by Operand
  • InjectPropertyAttribute - v3 made ctor injection possible and that should be used.
  • Command, Option, Operand ctor taking with Command parent parameter. Parent is now assigned by adding to a command.
  • OptionAttribute
    • Inherited - replaced by AssignToExecutableSubcommands
  • Option
    • DefaultValue - use Option.Default
    • Inherited - replaced by AssignToExecutableSubcommands
  • Operand
    • DefaultValue - use Option.Default
  • IArgument
    • DefaultValue - use Option.Default
  • appRunner.UseDefaultsFromConfig extension method that returns string, in favor of method with same name returning ArgumentDefault
  • TokenCollection public ctor - Use Tokenizer.Tokenize extension method to generate tokens and TokenCollection.Transform to transform them. Ensures source tokens are correctly mapped.
  • AnsiConsole - no longer supported. Use a package like ColorConsole or Pastel.
  • MiddlewareSteps.Help.Stage & MiddlewareSteps.Help.Order - replaced by nested MiddlewareSteps.Help classes
  • ServicesExtensions.GetOrAdd<T> - use ContextDataExtensions.GetOrAdd<T>


Typo suggestions for argument values#

Typo Suggestions middleware now also makes suggestions for for argument values.

Bug: Subcommands should not be parsed after first operand#

Subcommands were still being searched by the parser after the first operand was provided. This bug has been fixed.


Reimplement UseErrorHandler(CommandContext, Exception). See updated documentation.

Fix bug where parser did not fail when an option value was skipped when immediately followed by another option.


Remove .UseErrorHandler config method until the bug is fixed. Updated documentation with the approach.


  • An informative error message will output when a response file is not found.
  • TokenizerPipeline, on error,
    • no longer throws a TokenTransformationException
    • now prints error messages to IConsole.Error, logs the exception and return ExitCodes.Error (1)
    • this is best practice for console middleware.
  • added ExitCodes class with Success, Error & ValidationError. These can be used in the middleware pipeline.
  • added MiddlewareSteps.ErrorHandler step to be used to register error handlers
  • added CommandLogger.HasLoggedFor and made CommandLogger.Log safe to use before ParseResult is populated. This will be useful for logging on error. See Exceptions > Printing config information for details


Remove extraneous NewLine#

A few components could leave an extra NewLine hanging around. This has been removed for cleaner test exception handling. Affects CommandLogger, FluentValidation, ParseDirective and when AppRunner prints an exception before exit.



Argument Separator following Posix Guideline 10#

The first -- argument that is not an option-argument should be accepted as a delimiter indicating the end of options. Any following arguments should be treated as operands, even if they begin with the '-' character.

Before this release, all arguments following -- were captured to CommandContext.ParseResult.SeparatedArguments and not made available for parsing. That prevented use of operands with values beginning with - or -- or enclosed in square brackets when directives were not disabled.

So calculator.exe add -1 -2 was not possible. With this release, calculator.exe add -- -1 -2 is possible.

All arguments following -- are still captured to CommandContext.ParseResult.SeparatedArguments, but now may include values for operands of the current command. Compare w/ CommandContext.ParseResult.RemainingOperands to see if any were mapped into the command.

See Argument Separator for more help.

As part of this update, CommandContext.ParseResult.SeparatedArguments && CommandContext.ParseResult.RemainingOperands were changed from IReadOnlyCollection<Token> to IReadOnlyCollection<string>.


Make CommandLogger a public class so commands, interceptors and middleware can run it directly.

This makes the last pattern in the Command Logger help possible, using an interceptor option to trigger the log.



You can now trigger help to be display after validation checks have failed. See help docs for details.


PrintHelp() extension method enables printing help from anywhere there's a CommandContext


Most every exception that escapes the appRunner will have a CommandContext in the Data property.

Use the GetCommandContext() extension method to get it and then PrintHelp or ParseReporter.Report or ...

CommandAttribute parse hints#

The followingw were added to the CommandAttribute to override AppSettings for the given command.

  • IgnoreUnexpectedArguments to override AppSettings.IgnoreUnexpectedArguments
  • ArgumentSeparatorStrategy to override AppSettings.Parser.DefaultArgumentSeparatorStrategy

Console Write___ extension methods#

Write an object to Console.Out and Console.Error. The object will be converted to string.

  • Write(this IStandardStreamWriter writer, object value)
  • WriteLine(this IStandardStreamWriter writer, object value)

Use console.Write and console.WriteLine to write to console.Out.

  • Write(this IConsole console, object value)
  • WriteLine(this IConsole console, object value)


Fix bug: when enabled w/ default configuration, Command Logger no longer outputs unless [cmdlog] is specified



Command Logger#

A middleware that will output...

  • parse directive results
  • optionally some system info: os version, .net version, machine name, ...
  • optionally AppConfig
  • can configure to include additional info with access to CommandContext

... and then run the command. Output can be forwarded to console or logs or ...

See Command Logger help for more details


This setting will default to true in the next major version.

When setting [Option(ShortName="a")], the LongName would no longer default to the parameter or property name and so you'd have to explicitely set the LongName if you wanted both. We want to change that behavior so that if you only want a short name, you'd need to [Option(ShortName="a", LongName=null)]. AppSettings.LongNameAlwaysDefaultsToSymbolName allows us to introduce the behavior in a non-breaking manner until the next release.




Enhanced Parse directive#

The parse directive has been updated to show

  • argument values
  • default values w/ sources
  • input values with sources, including response files if enabled.

Password values are replaced with ***** when the Password type is used.


TokenCollection public ctor deprecated#

Use Tokenizer.Tokenize extension method to generate tokens and TokenCollection.Transform to transform them



Fix bug: support multiple default value config sources#

There was a bug when using multiple config sources for default values, i.e. EnvVar and AppSettings. The last one set would override previous ones. Resolved in this release.


add ext method IArgument.IsObscured#

Returns true if the type is Password



Disable LogProvider by default#

  • LogProvider.IsDisabled is set to true in AppRunner static ctor.

Guarantee Operand order in IArgumentModel#

The order of operands defined in IArgumentModel classes were never deterministic because .Net does not guarantee the order properties are reflected.

[CallerLineNumber] was used in the OperantAttribute ctor to ensure the order is always based on the order properties are defined in the class.


The issue wasn't correctly resolved until 4.0.0



Typo Suggestions enhancements#

Support mis-ordered keywords: nameuser -> username

Trim results & improve accuracy

Support self-contained executable#

AppInfo interrogates the MainModule and EntryAssembly to determine if the app is run from dotnet, as a self-contained executable or a standard executable. This is used for help and to determine the correct app version.

#197, #179


AppInfo replaces VersionInfo#

VersionInfo became a subset of features of AppInfo

IArgument.Default and ArgumentDefault#

ArgumentDefault was introduced to track the source of a default value. We can determine if it came from source or an external source and the key used. This is used in later versions for the Parse directive and CommandLogger feature.




Typo Suggestions#

Typo Suggestions middleware to suggest commands or options when a provided one wasn't found.


Expand arguments in the usage section so the names and order of all arguments are shown.

See help docs for more details.



Setting parent commands#

Option & Operand & Command should now be created without a parent command. Parent will be assigned when added to a command.




To show usage examples in a command description, extended help or overridden usage section, use %UsageAppName%. This text will be replaced usage app name from one of the options above. See the help docs for more.


improve stack traces with AppOutputBase and PathMap project settings#



Version 3 Change Summary